Wow- Easter came and went quickly but left me thinking a lot.  My Pastor asked, on Easter Sunday, what does Easter mean to you? My first thought was “boy a lot has changed from my childhood and even as an adult”, it definitely is not the same as it once was.  That being said, these past few years, PS (post stroke), it was all about family, church, and fun!  This year had a huge impact on me; for the first time in my life it was something bigger and very different. I was filled with joy but that was not all.. Can’t quite put my hands on it, but it felt like a whole new beginning…Almost like seeing things for the first time…It’s not just Easter day but a season of new beginnings and things I noticed that I did not take the time to notice before; the colorful flowers, swaying trees, little animals, birds singing, children laughing, I just noticed everything more clearly.  Christ has Risen, indeed! How powerful! Never said that line before on my own!

Did this Easter move you in a different way this year then it has in the past? Do you believe your stroke or someone you know who survived a stroke had a different view or feelings on this Easter weekend?  If it did embrace it, I am!
Keep it real!

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