Have you noticed?

How many times a day do you find yourself frustrated by what you are noticing others take for granted? Let me give you an example, every time I see someone write! Just write a quick note, or write a letter, or write down a grocery list…it takes them seconds, but for me, I can barely […]

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Wow- Easter came and went quickly but left me thinking a lot.  My Pastor asked, on Easter Sunday, what does Easter mean to you? My first thought was “boy a lot has changed from my childhood and even as an adult”, it definitely is not the same as it once was.  That being said, these […]

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Support Group

So I finally got up enough courage to attend my first Stoke Support Group.  There were about 20 people there about half of them came over from the in-house rehab unit. My findings were interesting.  Like i said, half came from in-house and the rest from other.  Half women and Men.  I found that some […]

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Good news

Good News – In this crazy journey you will experience good days and bad days..  ( up’s and down’s) Day’s that actually might shock you!  The good news is there Are these types of day, Good Days!  Would that suck if there wasn’t any? When you experience a good day it should be an encouragement […]

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Thank God

Dear God, Thank you for the many blessing you have given me.  Lord, I realize you have given me another chance at Life, not sure why or how or the reason for doing it in this state but i know your plan is Victory!  I except it, cherish it and will try not to let […]

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Holding on tight

It is important to hold onto something dear to you in your darkest hour.  God, a family member, anything that brings hope and even a glimmer of light in these very though times. Let it be known, it will soon pass.  The days you once knew are gone however, there is a new you that […]

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Stroke Blog Revealed

As Russ looks to launch his new website and documentary series in March of 2017, this blog will enable him to interact and support other stroke victims and their families throughout the world. Stay tuned here as Russ begins his “stroked out” journey to helping others.

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